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With the Advocacy and Corporate Communication Program, we aim to increase a transformation in the social perception and practices that lead to sexual/sexualized violence.  We also have advocacy activities in the field of social transformation. 

Within the scope of Advocacy and Network Activities, we aim to help build strong and long-lasting networks and partnerships at a national and international level. 

As part of the Legal Advocacy headline, we continue to monitor human rights violations of the survivors of sexual violence.  

Under the Media-related Activities through which we expect an increase in the transformation of social perception and practices that lead to sexual/ sexualized violence, we provide the press members with the information, tools, and materials about the rights-based approach and gender equality in their coverage of sexual violence cases. 

Within the framework of the Corporate Communication Activities, we aim to support the awareness raising efforts and our association’s visibility through the visibility tools and materials of the association. 


MEDIA-RELATED ACTIVITIES – +90 542 585 39 90